Saturday, February 26, 2011

Welcoming Houseguests

My parents are driving down to visit us this weekend (yay!) and although we don't have a dedicated space for guests, I think it is those extra touches that make guests feel truly welcome. With some help from Martha, I've assembled a little list of things you can do to prepare.

Allot adequate closet and drawer space and provide hangers.

Have a full-length mirror in the bedroom.

Have a working alarm clock in the bedroom.

Invest in a few small touches in the room, such as bottled water, chocolates, or fresh flowers.

Provide a sitting area with a pillow and throw, an adjacent table, and a good adjustable brightness lamp in the room your guests will be staying in.

Provide extra blankets for temperature control in the bedroom.

Provide reading material, including several magazines and a daily newspaper.

Stock enough towels, washcloths and hand towels for all guests.

Stock up on toilet paper and other necessities and make sure they know where to locate extras.

Fully stock your refrigerator and pantry, and take into account any special food requirements.

Provide an appliance manual, so guests are able to use your keypads and remotes.

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